Sharon Gaal: Our Own Time Machine

Such a small beginning for a tree which grows into the sky

So ein kleiner Anfang für einen Baum, der in den Himmel wächst.

Our Own Time Machine

With the blink of an eye, our time machine takes us back forty-five years; hugs and promises to meet again and a vow to remember each other under the big dipper. Forty-years later, as in a dream, an airport meeting and greeting. So little luggage, so many memories to share and fun new memories in the making.

Many years between. So many life experiences have kept us apart, very far apart, across continents and an ocean. Surprising to me how fast time passes: husband, children, career, responsibilities, recreation, make time fly away. Yet I remember, as does she. I greet her on the big dipper, as I know she greets me. From time to time mail travels across the ocean. Then one day an email. Perhaps technology has created our very own time machine. Email becomes Skype becomes a continental flight. No longer sisters of the past, we become real to each other in an instant. And a new face, a son, so handsome and cheerful. We must not waste this precious time together!

New world and old world mix freely as two families, young and old, share life experiences, real and imaginary. Adults discuss cultural differences in housing and food preferences. Children talk of dragons and fairies around the dinner table, and there is magic in the air!

A tree which grows into the sky. In the fingers the tiny seed.

Ein Baum, der in den Himmel wächst. In den Fingern der winzige Zapfen.

A journey begins: pack everything in tightly, including the people and a dog. Head toward new adventures. Will Thomas ever forget his frigid swims in Lake Tahoe and the Pacific Ocean? Does Brigitte recognize the grandeur of the Giant Sequoia and coastal elk? Do Thomas and Brigitte feel the magic of Fern Canyon? After hiking the Oregon wilderness, might Thomas want to someday travel back for more? Almost before my questions form, I know the answers. And all the while, our dog is learning German, showing his enjoyment with eyes and outstretched paws, always by Thomas’ side.

More family to meet, more memories to make. Two Brigittes meet, the younger and the namesake. Fourth of July celebration: barbeque, a delighted child to organize fireworks, lightning, fireworks, pie, fireworks, then a scream. Could someone really sit on pie without knowing it?

The wonderful gift of our time machine is that we have connected for two short weeks, forever!





Childhood of the trees which grow into the sky.


Kindheit der Bäume, die in den Himmel wachsen.